

3 product releases
in 2024

Acoustic Signature has released the following three new products in 2024:

Acoustic Signature

TA-10000 NEO

Our most inno­vative design ever deve­loped. The use of ultra tight tole­rance, bespoke bea­rings that are DLC trea­ted to make them ultra durable, and further reduce friction by over 50 % com­pared to any other high class bea­ring in the market. Our DLC bea­rings are simply the best in terms of preci­sion, low fric­tion and inno­vative vibration-absor­bing material. A symbio­sis that has been thought out through to the smallest and most intricate detail. Resol­ving the contra­diction between stiff­ness and lightness in move­ment making the TA-10000 NEO the ulti­mate partner for the ulti­mate turntables.

Our brand new approach to height adjust­ment (VTA) on the fly is free of the negative effects, that the cons­truc­tion of move­ments have. We ensure the superb sonic quali­ties of the TA-10000 NEO are not nega­tively influen­ced by com­fort features.

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The new Acoustic Signature TA-10000 NEO tonearm

Tango Apex NEO

Balanced phono preamp

The new Tango Apex NEO is a balan­ced phono preamp with a strictly double mono cons­truc­tion. The preamp is desig­ned with an extra housing per channel, a dedi­cated Power supply per channel and a phono amp per channel. All features of the Tango Apex NEO are remote con­trolled.

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The new Acoustic Signature Tango Apex NEO

Tango Reference NEO

Proces­sing the delicate phono signal is one of the biggest chal­lenges that amplifier designers have to face. The Tango Reference NEO’s new reso­nance-optimized and anti-magnetic chassis is made of solid aluminum block. The phono amplifier features an over-dimen­sioned power supply with toroidal trans­former that is located on a separate board to ensure absolute current stabi­lity. Both assemb­lies are moun­ted on a special shiel­ding steel plate to avoid any inter­ference with the phono signal. The Tango Reference NEO consists of indivi­dually selec­ted high quality compo­nents. It’s semi-active RIAA equali­zation achieve extremely precise values with a maximum devia­tion of less than 0.1 dB from the ideal curve. An elabo­rate single-ended output stage desig­ned in Class A guaran­tees minimal distor­tion and very low hum and noise. The Tango Reference NEO is a perfect base for high-resolu­tion, fasci­nating 3D-imaging and invol­ving musica­lity of the phono signal.

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New Tango Reference NEO phono preamp