

Verona NEO

Acoustic Signature

Turn­tables with a classic retro design are beco­ming increa­singly popu­lar. The new Verona NEO can carry up to two 9 to 12-inch tone­arms and thus offers all the possi­bili­ties that ambi­tious music lovers are looking for. In addi­tion, it has all the tech­nical refine­ments that its other brothers from the NEO series also have, such as a 2-motor drive concept, the DTD®-bearing and the exter­nal DMC-20 motor elec­tro­nics with AVC Level 3 and the CLD design. Its 50 mm thick platter includes 8 silencers.

Verona NEO in piano-black with silver anodized aluminum

Verona NEO in piano-black with black anodized aluminum

Verona NEO in makassar with silver anodized aluminum

Verona NEO in makassar with black anodized aluminum

Verona NEO in piano-black with silver anodized aluminumpiano-black with black anodized aluminummakassar with silver anodized aluminummakassar with black anodized aluminum

Special features:

  • Optimized multi-sandwich chassis for higher rigidity and better acoustic properties
  • Finish either in piano black with glossy Makassar top surface or fully in piano black, alumi­num parts in silver (anodized) or black (anodized)
  • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet
  • 15-year warranty (with registration)

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

15 year warranty

Handmade in Germany

Acoustic Signature Verona NEO birds eye view
Acoustic Signature Verona NEO frontview
Sideview of the Verona NEO in Makassar

Modern drive with 2 motors

Modern drive with 2 motors

The Verona NEO has 2 inte­grated, comple­tely insu­lated AC-motors and a RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter.

2 tonearms

2 tonearms

Prepared for up to two 9 to 12 inch tonearms.

the tonearms…

AVC Level 3

AVC Level 3

The control panel is harmo­niously inte­grated into the chassis. The Verona NEO is equipped with the exter­nal digital motor control­ler DMC-20 with a super stable multi-vol­tage power supply, featuring the inno­vative AVC-system at it’s highest level 3.

AVC technology…

Elaborate chassis design

Elaborate chassis design

The multi-sand­wich chassis of the Verona NEO offers greater rigi­dity and excel­lent acoustic proper­ties. The 3-point suspen­sion with the gel-damped feet specially deve­loped by Acoustic Signa­ture ensures optimum decoupling during record playback.

Test reports

“The Verona NEO offers perfor­mance that is truly refe­rence quality … This turn­table and these arms are every­thing you would expect from a top-shelf German manu­facturer. They’re beau­tifully made and presen­ted, and every­thing fits and works perfectly.”

(Verona NEO with TA-7000 NEO and TA-5000 NEO)

by Michael Trei

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“In fact, the Verona is one of the smoo­thest running players I have ever had in my liste­ning room. And what this calmness does to the sound is both plea­sing and unexpec­tedly clear. The dyna­mics of the player become huge, and change from a punc­tual dynamic that favors certain frequency ranges to an all-encom­passing power that is just as effec­tive in the low bass as in the most remote over­tones. This really does make the music sound bigger, and – at least in my liste­ning room – trans­forms the entire system into a more convin­cing, more enga­ging version of itself. And this has nothing to do with the tone­arm or cart­ridge, but is a quality that the turn­table brings with it and passes on to any ade­quate arm and pickup.”

(Verona NEO with TA-5000 NEO)

by Bern­hard Riet­schel

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Testreport Verona NEO, TA-2000 NEO and MCX4 in image hifi 2/2024

“This drive opens up the music and enables us to expe­rience a live perfor­mance as vivid as a fire­work display. … Visually reminis­cent of players from the 70s and 80s, it repre­sents a “state of the art” techno­logy that has cata­pulted Acoustic Signa­ture to the absolute top of the world.”

(Verona NEO with TA‑2000 NEO and MCX4)

image hifi
by Andreas Wende­roth

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Acoustic Signature Verona NEO and TA-2000 NEO review in Stereo 2/2024

“The Verona NEO is excel­lently capable of deli­vering sound images that are both spa­tially orga­nized and struc­tured in every possible way. It indeed proved unaf­fected by any chal­lenge we set to it in the liste­ning room. In fact, it main­tained its imper­tur­bable com­posure even when the loud­speakers right next to it were playing with rather high volumes. The turn­table didn‘t allow this to lead to any reso­nances in the sligh­test. In general, the lower frequen­cies turned out to be the icing on the cake in the already high-class perfor­mance of the Acoustic Signa­ture. The turn­table clearly benefits from its MDF-steel-multiplex-CLD back­bone, which has evi­dently been com­bined just right. Bass lines were not just clean, agile and con­toured. Rather, their springy elas­ticity, their pul­sating drive drove the repro­duction from the frequency cellar, which lite­rally gave it an extra por­tion of buoyant empha­sis and kick…”

(Verona NEO with TA‑2000 NEO)

by Matthias Boede

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The retro family

The multi-sand­wich chassis design approach unites the Double X NEO and the Verona NEO. Both models are avai­lable with a piano-black or a makas­sar surface, giving each turn­table a retro touch while hou­sing state of the art tech­nology.

But the further fea­tures and techno­logy levels of the two differ widely aside these charac­teris­tics. The follo­wing table explains the major diffe­rences:


Double X NEO

Verona NEO

AVC:Level 1Level 3
Power adapter:ExternalDMC-20
Max. tonearms:12
Changeable armboards:
Platter Ø (mm):300310
Aluminum finish:silversilver or black
Weight:24 kg33 kg

Technical data

Drive system:RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC:Level 3
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter:External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable power supply
(100 V – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 24 x 22 x 6cm; 2.6 kg)
Control panel:Integrated
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base:Up to 2 mounting boards for 9 to 12-inch tone arms
Tone arm compati­bility:9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms:2
Platter:Alumi­num anodized
(Ø 310 x 50 mm / 11 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Chassis:Massive 65 mm sandwich chassis made of MDF, steel & plywood
Feet:3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):544 x 449 x 166 mm
Weight:33 kg

Available finishes

Platter:Aluminum (anodized)
Chassis:Top / Plinth:
High­gloss, either in piano black with Makassar top surface or fully in piano black
Alumi­num parts:
Either in silver (ano­dized) or black (ano­dized)
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome

Package contents

Verona NEO with 8 Silencers in Makassar finish

Silencer and CLD technology

The Verona NEO features 8 silencer modules and an optimized chassis cons­truc­tion with our pionee­ring CLD techno­logy to reduce platter and cabinet vibrations. The chassis is avai­lable either in piano black with a glossy Makassar top surface or fully in piano black finish. All alumi­num parts are either in silver (anodi­zed) or black (anodi­zed).


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