Tag: Acoustic Signature
Invictus NEO
We could now write an essay on our Invictus NEO. But this would make no sense. You wouldn’t believe us anyway until you have heard our masterpiece yourself. So let’s make this short: No matter where you look – the Acoustic Signature Invictus NEO is the best turntable in the world. Spot.
From turntables prepared for up to four tonearms to compact high-end designs: Acoustic Signature’s NEO series offers ten top-of-the-line high-mass turntables – final analog solutions for every level of sophistication. The Acoustic Signature NEO series is the culmination of more than 25 years of experience, groundbreaking technological developments, an unparalleled depth of manufacturing with highest quality standards, a unique design language, and last but not least: an unwavering love for the analog music reproduction.
The product range of Acoustic Signature: 10 turntables, 7 tonearms, 4 cartridges and various phono-accessories for true hifi enthusiasts.
Turntables of Acoustic Signature benefit by numerous groundbreaking technologies and innovations such as CLD (Constraint Layer Damping), AVC (Automatic Vibration Control) and DTD® (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)…
About Acoustic Signature
Truntables and tonearms are produced by Acoustic Signature since 1996 at the manufactory in Suessen, Germany. All parts are designed on „state of the art“ CAD/CAM systems and produced on cutting-edge CNC machines. The products are assembled by hand…
Acoustic Signature
Acoustic Signature manufactures audiophile analogue products in highe quality “Made in Germany”. All high-end turntables, tonearms, cartridges and the phono accessories 100 % manually assembled by hand at the manufactory in Suessen close to Stuttgart.