

World-class sound, abso­lute relia­bility, out­stan­ding design: there’s a lot of pas­sion and atten­tion to detail behind the Acoustic Signa­ture NEO product port­folio. Inten­sive research, count­less liste­ning ses­sions, our world-renow­ned manu­fac­turing exper­tise and an unwa­vering com­mit­ment to make our acclai­med techno­logy inno­va­tions even better have resul­ted in a new full line that has the right com­po­nents for every vinyl lover – whether you are an analog beginner with sophis­tica­ted aspi­ra­tions or an very expe­rien­ced ana­logist for whom only the very best will do.

Acoustic Signature products

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

Modern manufacture at Acoustic Signature
Hand assembly of turntables at Acoustic Signature

All ten high-mass turn­tables and seven tone­arms of the NEO series are per­fectly matched to each other and are comple­men­ted by three phono pre­ampli­fiers, one cart­ridge line and various acces­sories. In order of making the har­mo­nious inte­gra­tion of your new Acoustic Signa­ture turn­table into your living space easy, the NEO series is avai­lable in vari­ous sur­face fini­shes – true sound sculp­tures with state-of-the-art technology.

Whether indivi­dual compo­nent or a full analog package – at Acoustic Signa­ture you get analog exper­tise from a single source: 100 % ‘Made in Germany’, with up to 15 years war­ranty (upon regis­tration, valid for pro­ducts with produc­tion date after October 2020).

Handmade in Germany

5 year warranty

15 year warranty

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10 turn­tables that raise the bar. The new NEO series is abso­lute perfec­tion for audio­phile vinyl enthusiasts.

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Seven tone­arms with higest claim on pre­cision. High-end record play­back with exci­ting new fea­tures: The NEO series.

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Vinyl fans will find their perfect match among the four moving-coil cartridges of Acoustic Signature.

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Passion and love for fine details: The phono accessory program of Acoustic-Signature.

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