

Acoustic Signature AVC:
The Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Every rotating motor gene­rates vibra­tions. This inevi­table force is trans­mit­ted to the chassis and platter and conse­quently has a nega­tive effect on the sonic per­for­mance of a turn­table. Accor­dingly, it is impor­tant to effec­tively reduce unde­sired vibra­tions or even better prevent them from occur­ring in the first place – so much for the theory.

Automatic Vibration Control AVC
The Hurricane NEO is the entry to the multi motor concept.

Usually, this chal­lenge is addres­sed by a focus on mate­rial selec­tion, special mea­sures for chassis and platter dam­pening, turn­table setup and the design of the entire drive system inclu­ding the motor selec­tion. Due to budget and/or pricing policies, many manu­fac­turers rarely consider a consis­tent combi­nation of all the above mea­sures. Apart from that, each deve­loper will find out sooner or later that all those well-known approa­ches are limited – in terms of effec­tive­ness. The con­cepts for vibra­tion mini­mi­za­tion only work up to a certain degree.

But we wouldn’t be Acoustic Signa­ture if we didn’t go beyond the limits. In addi­tion to our inno­vative Silencer and CLD (Cons­traint Layer Dam­ping) techno­logies, we inven­ted an addi­tional mile­stone to reduce vibra­tions even further:

Acoustic Signa­ture AVC – Automatic Vibra­tion Control!

The vision of an Auto­matic Vibration Control was long born before the plan­ning of our NEO series. During the deve­lop­ment of our new turn­table gene­ration we found it was the right time to bring our ideas to life: The high-quality AC motors that drive our turn­tables are cons­truc­ted with 2 coils and 24 poles. To make the coils rotate, they are fed with a sine wave and a 90° phase-shifted signal. Unfor­tu­nately all AC syn­chro­nous motors show pro­duction-related tole­ran­ces that pre­vent the poles and coils from being posi­tioned one hun­dred per­cent cor­rectly – a key reason for unwan­ted vibra­tions. In order to effec­tively mini­mize or even avoid these, all produc­tion tole­ran­ces must be com­pen­sa­ted by other means.

This is where our AVC techno­logy comes in: It is able to mea­sure the resul­ting distor­tions in real time. Based on those measure­ments, AVC adjusts the phase shifts to the motor signals – also in real time and fully auto­matic! These digitally moni­tored cor­rec­tive mea­sures ensure a drastic reduc­tion of the vibra­tions – an extra effec­tive bene­fit for turn­tables driven by a multi-motor concept.

The sonic gain is so dra­matic that we deci­ded to equip all NEO series turn­tables with that break­through tech­no­logy. Depen­ding on the drive system and the number of motors used, our Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control is imple­men­ted in three confi­gu­ration stages, each with diffe­rent intensity:
AVC Level 1, AVC Level 2 & AVC Level 3.

Automatic Vibration Control
AVC Level 3 on the three motor powered Ascona NEO.

All stages – Level 3 stands for the highest effi­ciency – use diffe­rent soft­ware and hard­ware. In addition, from Level 2 on, the motors are strictly selec­ted and paired to maxi­mize the effect.

Ascona NEO turntable with AVC level 2

Automatic Vibra­tion Control

The Acoustic Signa­ture Ascona NEO is equip­ped with three inte­gated, isolated AC-motors. The turn­table reaches AVC Level 3 of our Auto­matic Vibra­­tion Control techno­logy. The image shows colored belts and pulleys to clarify the three motors that are syn­chro­nized by AVC.


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