

Tornado NEO

Acoustic Signature

In the plan­ning phase of our NEO series, we wan­ted to pre­sent a super flexi­ble high mass turn­table that would unleash audio­phile forces far beyond its price range. Already pre­pared for 3 tone­arms and equip­ped with our very latest inno­vative tech­no­logies, the Acoustic Signa­ture Tornado NEO pro­vides a capti­vating musical perfor­mance that will take even the most expe­rien­ced analogists by storm.

Tornado NEO in silver

Tornado NEO in black

Tornado NEO in bi-color

Tornado NEO in silverblackbi-color

Special features:

  • 1 integrated, completely insulated AC-motor
  • External digital motor controller DMC-10 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 1 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
  • Exclusive silencer technology with 4 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
  • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
  • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
  • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

15 year warranty

Handmade in Germany

Tornado NEO, black, front view
Tornado NEO turntable, silver, bird's view
Sideview on the Acoustic Signature Tornado NEO in black

Tornado NEO Video

See the Acous­tic Signa­ture Tornado NEO in action: This YouTube video clip intro­duces you to the features and the cons­truc­tion of the turn­table…

Watch on YouTube…

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Design highlight

Design highlight

The Tornado NEO is available in three diffe­rent versions. The anodized aluminum surfaces are available in silver, black or bi-color.

Silencer and CLD technology

Silencer and CLD technology

4 silencer modules are embedded in the platter of the Tornado NEO. Together with our CLD aluminum chassis, these ensure an effec­tive mini­mi­zation of unwanted vibrations.

more about CLD…

AVC technology

AVC technology

The Tornado NEO is equipped with our highly inno­vative AVC (Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control) techno­logy. The inte­gra­ted, fully iso­lated AC motor with double-belt drive is supplied via the external DMC-10 digital motor elec­tro­nics with super-stable multi-voltage power supply.

AVC technology…

Benchmark precision

Benchmark precision

The Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing: Our pionee­ring DTD® bearing also ‘beats’ at the heart of the Typhoon NEO.

read more…

Test reports

the absolute sound Editor’s Choice Award 2023

“Acoustic Signa­ture imple­men­ted across-the-board improve­ments to its entire turn­table lineup: an accu­mula­tion of at least twenty-five years of industry expe­rience, along with the present-day imple­men­ta­tion of its inno­va­tions in vibra­tion control, platter bearing design, and cons­trai­ned-layer damping. With these updates, the mostly all-metal Tornado Neo pro­vides a stable plat­form for multiple cart­rid­ges and tone­arms to easily show their indivi­dual diffe­ren­ces and per­for­mance charac­teris­tics. With already solid cons­truc­tion and the Neo advance­ments, the Tornado provides excep­tional perfor­mance, along with count­less hours of musical enjoy­ment.”

The Absolute Sound


Test report of the Tonado NEO, TA-500 NEO and MCX2 in Fidelity 11/2021

“Gunther Frohn­hoefer’s Tornado NEO is defin­itively a musical all-rounder. Every moment you spend in its company, you can’t help but notice the exten­sive tech­nical expe­rience of its deve­loper who extrac­ted the maxi­mum analog enjoy­ment out of a turn­table, but with­out mixing in any arti­fi­cial gimmickry.”

(Tornado NEO with TA‑500 NEO and MCX2)

by Roland Schmen­ner

read article…

Stormy siblings

The basic design approach unites the Tornado NEO, Hurricane NEO and Typhoon NEO turn­tables. All three models are sub­plat­ter driven and have the new DTD® bearing in common.

But the further fea­tures and technology levels of the three high mass turn­tables differ aside these characteristics:


Tornado NEO

Hurricane NEO

Typhoon NEO

AVC:Level 1Level 1Level 2
Power supply:DMC-10DMC-10DMC-20
Chassis:45 mm50 mm75 mm
Weight:26.5 kg30 kg35 kg

Unboxing & Setup Video

Watch the unboxing of the Tornado NEO. The second part of the YouTube video shows the setup and adjustment of the turn­table – which is accomp­lished easily in a few steps.

Watch on YouTube…

Please note: A click on the preview image loads the video and estab­lishes a connec­tion to the servers of YouTube and Google. Find out more in our privacy policy.

Technical data

Drive system:RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC:Level 1
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter:External digital motor controller DMC-10 with super stable power supply
(100 – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 24 x 22 x 6cm; 2.6 kg)
Control panel:External with flexible placement
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base:Up to 3 adjustable armboards
1 x designed to fit to customers tonearm
2 more armbases mountable (sold separately)
Tone arm compati­bility:9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms:3
Platter:Aluminum anodized
(Ø 310 x 50 mm / 11 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Chassis:45 mm aluminum alloy
Feet:3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):450 x 460 x 160 mm
Weight:26,5 kg

Available finishes

Chassis and platter:Black (anodized),
silver (anodized) or
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome

Package contents

  • Tornado NEO chassis
  • Platter
  • Subplatter
  • Arm­base
  • External power supply DMC-10
  • External control panel
  • Power cord
  • Patch cable RJ45
  • 2 drive belts
  • Armbase wrench
  • Tool set
  • Carbon mat
  • Gloves
  • Instruction manual


15 year warranty

Tornado NEO

Tonearm diversity

The Tornado NEO is supplied with an adjustable arm­­board for 9 to 12 inch ton­e­arms. The turn­table may be upgra­ded with up to 3 tone­arms in total by adding two more optional arm­bases. Arm­boards are manu­fac­tured indivi­dually to fit the custo­mers tone­arms upon request. The new Acoustic Signature NEO tone­arms offer a great variety to equip the Tornado NEO to the max.


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