

Tornado NEO

Acoustic Signature

In the plan­ning phase of our NEO series, we wan­ted to pre­sent a super flexi­ble high mass turn­table that would unleash audio­phile forces far beyond its price range. Already pre­pared for 3 tone­arms and equip­ped with our very latest inno­vative tech­no­logies, the Acoustic Signa­ture Tornado NEO pro­vides a capti­vating musical perfor­mance that will take even the most expe­rien­ced analogists by storm.

Tornado NEO in silver

Tornado NEO in black

Tornado NEO in bi-color

Tornado NEO in silverblackbi-color

Special features:

  • 1 integrated, completely insulated AC-motor
  • External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 1 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
  • Exclusive silencer technology with 4 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
  • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
  • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
  • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

15 year warranty

Handmade in Germany

Tornado NEO Video

See the Acous­tic Signa­ture Tornado NEO in action: This YouTube video clip intro­duces you to the features and the cons­truc­tion of the turn­table…

Watch on YouTube…

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Design highlight

Design highlight

The Tornado NEO is available in three diffe­rent versions. The anodized aluminum surfaces are available in silver, black or bi-color.

Silencer and CLD technology

Silencer and CLD technology

4 silencer modules are embedded in the platter of the Tornado NEO. Together with our CLD aluminum chassis, these ensure an effec­tive mini­mi­zation of unwanted vibrations.

more about CLD…

AVC technology

AVC technology

The Tornado NEO is equipped with our highly inno­vative AVC (Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control) techno­logy. The inte­gra­ted, fully iso­lated AC motor with double-belt drive is supplied via the external DMC-20 digital motor elec­tro­nics with super-stable multi-voltage power supply.

AVC technology…

Benchmark precision

Benchmark precision

The Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing: Our pionee­ring DTD® bearing also ‘beats’ at the heart of the Typhoon NEO.

read more…

Test reports

the absolute sound Editor’s Choice Award 2025
the absolute sound Editor’s Choice Award 2023

“Acoustic Signa­ture imple­men­ted across-the-board improve­ments to its entire turn­table lineup: an accu­mula­tion of at least twenty-five years of industry expe­rience, along with the present-day imple­men­ta­tion of its inno­va­tions in vibra­tion control, platter bearing design, and cons­trai­ned-layer damping. With these updates, the mostly all-metal Tornado Neo pro­vides a stable plat­form for multiple cart­rid­ges and tone­arms to easily show their indivi­dual diffe­ren­ces and per­for­mance charac­teris­tics. With already solid cons­truc­tion and the Neo advance­ments, the Tornado provides excep­tional perfor­mance, along with count­less hours of musical enjoy­ment.”

The Absolute Sound


Test report of the Tonado NEO, TA-500 NEO and MCX2 in Fidelity 11/2021

“Gunther Frohn­hoefer’s Tornado NEO is defin­itively a musical all-rounder. Every moment you spend in its company, you can’t help but notice the exten­sive tech­nical expe­rience of its deve­loper who extrac­ted the maxi­mum analog enjoy­ment out of a turn­table, but with­out mixing in any arti­fi­cial gimmickry.”

(Tornado NEO with TA‑500 NEO and MCX2)

by Roland Schmen­ner

read article…

Stormy siblings

The basic design approach unites the Tornado NEO, Hurricane NEO and Typhoon NEO turn­tables. All three models are sub­plat­ter driven and have the new DTD® bearing in common.

But the further fea­tures and technology levels of the three high mass turn­tables differ aside these characteristics:


Tornado NEO

Hurricane NEO

Typhoon NEO

AVC:Level 1Level 1Level 2
Power supply:DMC-20DMC-20DMC-20
Chassis:45 mm50 mm75 mm
Weight:26.5 kg30 kg35 kg

Unboxing & Setup Video

Watch the unboxing of the Tornado NEO. The second part of the YouTube video shows the setup and adjustment of the turn­table – which is accomp­lished easily in a few steps.

Watch on YouTube…

Please note: A click on the preview image loads the video and estab­lishes a connec­tion to the servers of YouTube and Google. Find out more in our privacy policy.

Technical data

Drive system:RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC:Level 1
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter:External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable power supply
(100 – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 24 x 22 x 6cm; 2.6 kg)
Control panel:External with flexible placement
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base:Up to 3 adjustable armboards
1 x designed to fit to customers tonearm
2 more armbases mountable (sold separately)
Tone arm compati­bility:9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms:3
Platter:Aluminum anodized
(Ø 310 x 50 mm / 11 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Chassis:45 mm aluminum alloy
Feet:3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):450 x 460 x 160 mm
Weight:26,5 kg

Available finishes

Chassis and platter:Black (anodized),
silver (anodized) or
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome

Package contents

  • Tornado NEO chassis
  • Platter
  • Subplatter
  • Arm­base
  • External power supply DMC-20
  • External control panel
  • Power cord
  • Patch cable RJ45
  • 2 drive belts
  • Armbase wrench
  • Tool set
  • Carbon mat
  • Gloves
  • Instruction manual


15 year warranty

Tornado NEO

Tonearm diversity

The Tornado NEO is supplied with an adjustable arm­­board for 9 to 12 inch ton­e­arms. The turn­table may be upgra­ded with up to 3 tone­arms in total by adding two more optional arm­bases. Arm­boards are manu­fac­tured indivi­dually to fit the custo­mers tone­arms upon request. The new Acoustic Signature NEO tone­arms offer a great variety to equip the Tornado NEO to the max.


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