

Invictus NEO

Acoustic Signature

We could now write an essay on our Invictus NEO. But this would make no sense. You wouldn’t believe us any­way until you have heard our master­piece your­self. So let’s make this short: No matter where you look – the Acoustic Signa­ture Invictus NEO is the best turn­table in the world. Spot.

Special features:

  • 6 integrated, completely insulated AC-motors
  • External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 3 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
  • Oversized, massive anodized aluminum 335 mm sandwich platter with brass layer (total weight of 16.5 kg)
  • Exclusive silencer technology with 56 silencer modules (24 internal, 32 external) for platter vibration reduction
  • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
  • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
  • Special internal control panel
  • Upgrade option with a speed range to 78 RPM
  • 3-point setup with height-adjustable, special 3D-double-damped feet
  • Prepared for up to four 9 to 12 inch tonearms
  • Adjustable armbase with exchangeable arm­boards for numerous tonearms
  • Optional finish upgrade in black-gold with 24K gold-plated components
  • 15-year warranty (with registration)

15 year warranty

Handmade in Germany

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

Invictus NEO in silver

Invictus NEO in black-gold

Invictus NEO in black-chrome

Invictus NEO in silverblack-goldblack-chrome

Invictus NEO in silver

Invictus NEO in black-gold

Invictus NEO in black-chrome

Invictus NEO explosion graphic
Acoustic Signature Invictus NEO in silver, front view
Acoustic Signature Invictus NEO, black-gold, side-top angled view
Acoustic Signature Invictus NEO in silver, sideview

Invictus NEO Video

See the Acous­tic Signa­ture Invictus NEO in action: This YouTube video clip intro­duces you to the features and the special cons­truc­tion of the high mass turn­table…

Watch on YouTube…

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Silencer & CLD technology

Silencer & CLD technology

The 335 mm wide platter of the Invictus Jr. NEO is made of 50 mm thick alu­minum alloy with brass inserts. It is equipped with 24 silencer modules on the inside and 32 on the out­side to elimi­nate vibra­tions highly effectively.

CLD technology…

Maximum dynamics & smoothness

Maximum dynamics & smoothness

The highest level of our Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control – AVC Level 3 – as well as six fully isolated AC motors and a triple-belt driven sub-platter form the basis for the unri­valed perfor­mance of the Invictus NEO!

more on AVC…



In the black-gold version, nume­rous compo­nents of the Invictus NEO are already coated with a gold layer at the factory. On request, the Silencer modules are also available with 24-carat gold plating.

Silencer technology

The perfect setup

The perfect setup

The Invictus rack is desig­ned to unleash the full sound poten­tial of the Invictus NEO. The rack blends harmo­niously with the design of the turn­table and is indivi­dually matched to the chosen finish of the Invictus NEO.

Invictus NEO with 4 tonearms

Maximum configuration

For maximum sound varia­bility, the Invictus NEO can be equip­ped with up to four 9- to 12-inch tone arms. The adjus­table tonearm bases with exchange­able arm boards are manu­factured indivi­dually for your tonearm(s).


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Test reports

Invictus NEO & TA-9000 NEO review in The Absolute Sound 06/2023

“Lest you forget, it was the Invictus that inspi­red my first use of that word, ‘complete.’ […] I’ve never heard an analog source hold its grip and preserve a note’s shape and timing in the bass and treble as faith­fully. […] This is the most complete, most neutral, most lifelike, most musical turn­table / tone­arm I have heard in my system. […] The Invictus NEO and TA-9000 NEO are not only new and impro­ved; they are, in my expe­rience, unmat­ched.”

(Test with TA-9000 NEO)

The Absolute Sound
by Jona­than Valin

read article…

Product of the Year 2023 award by The Absolute Sound

The Absolute Sound

Golden Ear Award 2023 by the The Absolute Sound

The Absolute Sound


the absolute sound Editor’s Choice Award 2023

“This incre­dibly massive […] objet du son from Gunther Frohn­hoefer of Germany is not only the biggest, heaviest, and most imper­tur­bable record player JV has ever come across, it is also the simp­lest to use […] and […] the best-soun­ding. Unbe­lie­vably quiet in play­back, its SLM-cons­tructed tone­arm tracks with the pre­cision of a cutter­head, repro­ducing instru­ments with out­stan­ding dimen­sionality, solidity, color, detail, power, pace — all those good things — and tur­ning the sound­stage into a veri­table diorama of a symphony orchestra, a string quartet, a jazz quintet, or a rock trio.”

The Absolute Sound


Technical data

AC-motors:6 (completely insulated)
Drive system:RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC:Level 3
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM,
45 RPM,
78 RPM upgrade option
Power adapter:External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable power supply
(100 V – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 24 x 22 x 6cm; 2.6 kg)
Control panel:Integrated
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base:Adjustable arm­base,
exchangeable custom made armboards for various tonearms
Tone arm compati­bility:9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms:4
Platter:50 mm anodized aluminum sandwich platter base
with brass layer and Silen­cer modules
(Ø 335 x 50 mm / 16.5 kg)
Chassis:Massive aluminum alloy
Feet:3-point setup with 3D-printed magnetic double-damping feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):710 x 710 x 270 mm
Weight:ca. 130 kg

Available finishes

Chassis and platter:silver (anodized),
black (anodized) with 24K gold plated components,
black-chrome or plain black (anodized) version upon request
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome

Package contents

  • Invictus NEO chassis
  • Platter
  • Subplatter
  • Arm­base
  • Baseplate
  • External power supply DMC-20
  • Power cord
  • Patch cables
  • 4 drive belts
  • Tool set
  • Carbon mat
  • Gloves
  • Instruction manual


15 year warranty

Invictus NEO playing a record at the highest audiophile level


1 DTD® bearing, 3 magnetic double-damping feet, up to 4 tone­arms, 6 motors, optional 24K gold-plated compo­nents, 56 Silencer modules, upgrade option with 78 RPM, 130 kilo­gram of finest materials, hand-assembled of almost 500 parts: our refe­rence Invictus NEO in numbers! Of course equip­ped with the highest levels of our ground-breaking Acoustic Signature technologies.


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