

Double X NEO

Acoustic Signature

With its elegant appea­rance, the Double X already delighted the hearts of many analo­gists around the world, because it stood for the perfect synthesis of ultra-modern techno­logy and classic design. Acoustic Signa­ture’s Double X NEO continues this tradi­tion and now elevates it to sound heights that no high mass turn­table in this price range has ever achieved!

Double X NEO in piano-black

Double X NEO in makassar

Double X NEO in piano-blackmakassar

Special features:

  • Quiet AC-motor with external, super stable multi-voltage power supply
  • Integrated digital motor controller
  • Innovative AVC technology level 1 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultra­pre­cise, extre­mely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with dia­mond-coa­ted spindle (Dura Turn Dia­mond® Bearing)
  • Exclusive silencer tech­nology with 8 silencer modules for platter vibration reduction
  • CLD technology (Cons­traint Layer Dam­ping) for impro­ved reso­na­nce behavior
  • Optimized multi-sandwich chassis for higher rigidity and better acoustic properties
  • Finish in piano black oder piano black with glossy Makassar top surface
  • 3-point setup with special gel-damped feet
  • 15-year warranty (with registration)

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

15 year warranty

Handmade in Germany

Acoustic Signature Double X NEO birds eye
Acoustic Signature Double X NEO frontview
Sideview of the Double X NEO in Makassar

Classic design, state-of-the-art technology

Classic design, state-of-the-art technology

The control panel is harmo­niously inte­grated into the chassis and controls the Double X NEO’s precise digital motor elec­tronics. Of course, the Double X NEO also comes with Acoustic Signature’s highly inno­vative AVC (Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control) technology.

AVC technology…

Silencer and CLD technology

Silencer and CLD technology

With 8 silencer modules and an optimized chassis cons­truc­tion, the Double X NEO bene­fits from our pionee­ring CLD techno­logy to reduce platter and cabinet vibrations.

more on CLD…

Groundbreaking bearing and motor concept

Groundbreaking bearing and motor concept

The Double X NEO features the new, mainte­nance-free DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle. The super-quiet AC motor is powered by an external, extremely stable multi-voltage power supply.

the DTD® bearing…

Elegant appearance, elaborate chassis design

Elegant appearance, elaborate chassis design

The multi-sand­wich chassis of the Double X NEO offers greater rigi­dity and excel­lent acoustic proper­ties. The 3-point suspen­sion with the gel-damped feet specially deve­loped by Acoustic Signa­ture ensures optimum decoupling.

Test reports

“Exquisitely engi­neered for effort­less excellence”

(Double X NEO with TA-1000 NEO and MCX1)


read article (CN)…


Review Double X NEO in Stereoplay 08/2021

“The Acoustic Signa­tures Double X is a joy for the eyes: perfect engi­nee­ring meets first-class finish and (optio­nally) macassar wood. However, with its uncompro­mising design the Double X is also a feast for the ears: the elegant, noble tone­arm guides any pickup safely, the platter rotates in a stoic, con­trol­led manner – the sonic result is beyond any doubt. The combo plays in an easy, trans­parent way, remains always clean and bullet-proof even with dynamic peaks. This is money well spent.”

(Double X NEO with TA-500 NEO and MCX1)

by Alexander Rose-Fehling

read article…

Stereoplay Goldenes Ohr 2022 for Double X NEO

The Acoustic Signa­ture Double X NEO was awarded with the “Golde­nes Ohr 2022” (“Golden Ear”) by the german maga­zine Stereo­play in the category turn­table.

Customer review

Really love the sound and looks of the turntable.
H.-O. B. (Sweden) on his Double X NEO with TA-1000 NEO

The retro family

The multi-sand­wich chassis design approach unites the Double X NEO and the Verona NEO. Both models are avai­lable with a piano-black or a makas­sar surface, giving each turn­table a retro touch while hou­sing state of the art tech­nology.

But the further fea­tures and techno­logy levels of the two differ widely aside these charac­teris­tics. The follo­wing table explains the major diffe­rences:


Double X NEO

Verona NEO

AVC:Level 1Level 3
Power adapter:ExternalDMC-20
Max. tonearms:12
Changeable armboards:
Platter Ø (mm):300310
Aluminum finish:silversilver or black
Weight:24 kg33 kg

Technical data

AC-motors:1 (integrated)
Drive system:RPM-regulated belt drive with speed fine adjustment
AVC:Level 1
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter:Exter­nal power supply
(100 – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 6 x 12 x 5.5cm; 0.2 kg)
Control panel:Integrated
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm compati­bility:9 inch tonearms
Maximum number of tone arms:1
Platter:Alumi­num anodized
(Ø 300 x 50 mm / 10.3 kg),
with Silen­cer modules
Chassis:Massive 64 mm sandwich chassis made of MDF, steel & plywood
Feet:3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):440 x 350 x 150 mm
Weight:ca. 24 kg

Available finishes

Platter:Aluminum (anodized)
Chassis:Piano black or
piano black with glossy Makassar top surface
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome

Package contents

  • Double X NEO chassis
  • External power supply
  • Platter
  • Power cord
  • Ground screw
  • Drive belt
  • Carbon mat
  • Toolset
  • Gloves
  • Instruction manual


15 year warranty

Double X NEO in Makassar Finish

Classic finish

The Double X NEO offers classic design in perfect syn­thesis with the modern techno­logies and inno­va­tions of Acoustic Signa­ture. The chassis of the Double X NEO is avai­lable in two exclu­sive finishes: either fully piano black or piano black with a glossy Makassar top surface.