


Acoustic Signature

The Acoustic Signature MCX4 is our flag­ship! This modern moving-coil cart­ridge is manu­fac­tured accor­ding to the latest tech­no­logies – the opti­mal part­ner for our NEO tone­arm series. A ‘nude’ Shibata stylus assu­ring perfect tracking results, gold-plated coils made of oxygen-free cop­per and a CNC-milled and reso­nance-opti­mized chassis deve­loped accor­ding to the finite ele­ment design princi­ple form the basis for an abso­lute top-class cartridge.

Acoustic Signature MCX4 cartridge side view

Special features:

  • Modern MC cartridge with gold-plated, oxygen-free copper coils
  • Reso­nance-opti­mized alumi­num chassis
  • Easy mounting
  • Excellent tracking due to nude Shibata stylus
  • Suitable for medium to high mass tonearms

Acoustic Signature MCX4 cartridge fron view

Acoustic Signature MCX4 cartridge seen from the backside

Test reports

Testreport Verona NEO, TA-2000 NEO and MCX4 in image hifi 2/2024

“The large MCX4 … does an excel­lent job, playing very clearly and quickly, but never too analy­tically.”

(MCX4 with Verona NEO and TA-2000 NEO)

image hifi
by Andreas Wende­roth

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MCX4 Test in hifi & records 01/2020

“… enormous fine tonal resolution and focus: TA‑7000/MCX4 Combination …”

(MCX4 with the Montana and TA‑7000)

HiFi & Records
by Marius Donadello

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MCX4 Test in Audiotechnique 03/2020

“Delicate and smooth repro­duction … the strong bass brought out the strength of the bass drum towards the end … Apart from a very life­like 3-dimen­sional sound field, the sound was detailed.”

(MCX4 with the Montana and TA‑7000)

by George Chung

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Customer review

I recently purchased your Hurri­cane NEO plus TA-5000 NEO arm but I kept my exis­ting EAT Jo No 8 cart­ridge. The improve­ment over my previous table was very notice­able with only this mecha­nical change. I was so excited about the new level of detail, clarity and sound­stage that your table and arm provi­ded that I deci­ded to try the MCX4 cart­ridge to see if the synergy of an all Acoustic Signa­ture setup could add a little more. I am glad I was curious enough to give it a try. I have never expe­rien­ced this level of connec­tion to my vinyl collec­tion. There are so many parts of the music I had never heard with this level of clarify. The highs are higher, the mids more present, and the bass tighter and deeper. The MXC4 is an excel­lent cart­ridge and at a compe­titive price. I am very pleased with this addi­tion to my setup. Well done to you guys. I’m a happy customer.
S. G. (Vietnam) on his MCX4 with Hurricane NEO and TA-5000 NEO

Acoustic Signature MCX4 mounted on the Montana NEO and TA-7000 NEO

The perfect partner for the new NEO series

The Trio MCX4, TA-7000 NEO and Montana NEO. The MCX4 is our flagship and plays perfectly with the Acoustic Signa­ture NEO series: 9 new turn­tables and 6 new tonearms


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Technical data

Cartridge system:Moving-coil
Stylus type:Nude Shibata
Coil material:Gold-plated, oxygen-free copper coils
Cartridge chassis:Resonance-optimized aluminum chassis
Voltage output
(at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec.):
0.3 mV
Channel balance at 1 kHz:< 1.0 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz:> 26 dB
Compliance, dynamic, lateral:15 m/mN
Tracking force range:2.1 to 2.5 g
Recommended tracking force:2.3 g (23 mN)
Frequency range at -3 dB:20-25,000 Hz
Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz:± 1.5 dB
DC resistance:
Recommended load:100 
Cartidge weight:12.6 g