

Warranty guidelines

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15 years warranty

5 years warranty

Product registration

Acoustic Signa­ture is intro­ducing an exten­ded warranty of

  • 15 years for Acoustic Signa­­ture turntables
  • 5 years for Acoustic Signa­­ture ton­arms

(applies exclu­sively to products manu­fac­tured from October 2020). By intro­ducing the exten­ded warranty our custo­mers will benefit from the cons­tantly opti­mized quality con­trol pro­cess. All pro­ducts are pro­duced under extre­mely well-orga­nized con­di­tions by highly skilled spe­cialists.

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Extended warranty

This warranty is only valid in the country of pur­chase and only applies to the first pur­chaser of the Acoustic Signa­ture product(s) from an Autho­rized Dealer. This war­ranty does not extend to any other person or trans­feree and termi­nates if you sell or other­wise trans­fer the Acoustic Signa­ture product(s) to another party/entity.

Warranty may vary accor­ding to the local legal require­ments of the country con­cer­ned. Contact your local autho­rized Acoustic Signa­ture distri­butor (“Autho­rized Distri­butor/s”) for details of specific warranty terms and relevant service proce­dures. For the list of autho­rized Acoustic Signa­ture distri­butors world­wide, please visit our distri­butor webpage.

This warranty is in addition to, and in no way detracts from, your statutory rights as a con­sumer under any appli­cable laws gover­ning this warranty.

If any provision of this warranty is unlaw­ful, void, or unen­force­able under the appli­cable laws gover­ning this warranty, that provi­sion shall be deemed sever­able and shall not affect the validity of any of the remai­ning provisions.

Warranty period

In general, Acoustic Signa­ture warrants its pro­ducts against defects in material or work­man­ship in accor­dance to current Natio­nal Legal War­ranty stan­dard in the given country, from the date of pur­chase by the end-custo­mer. If the end-custo­mers register their products at the Acoustic Signa­ture website, the warranty is exten­ded to 15 (fifteen) years for turn­tables / to 5 (five) years for tone­arms total.

Warranty limitations

The warranty does not extend to normal wear and tear and acci­dental damage nor to the goods or parts hereof, which have been sub­ject to any altera­tion not autho­rized by Acoustic Signa­ture or experi­men­tal running of the goods or a type of ope­ration or use out­side that for which the goods were designed, electri­cal over­load, mecha­nical damage or misuse or to units from which the original trade mark or serial num­bers have been altered, remo­ved, or obliterated.

Wearing parts like batte­ries, rubber feet, acces­sories and similar products are not covered by warranty or exten­ded warranty. The exten­ded warranty is only available for pro­ducts that are sold by autho­rized dealers within autho­rized coun­tries. If products are sold by non-autho­rized dealers the warranty is limited to the legal minimum warranty period of the territory. The exten­ded warranty is always linked to the country of pur­chase and is there­fore only valid in the country of purchase.

Additional benefit

As belts intent to get out of shape and perfor­mance due to usage time, tempe­rature, humidity and UV-light we offer every 3 years a free belt service/delivery direct to your home in order to main­tain the high quality stan­dard and per­for­mance of your Acoustic Signa­ture turntable.

Plattenspieler Riemen


To apply for the exten­ded war­ranty the end-user has to register his or her product inclu­ding serial num­ber and some purchase infor­ma­tion on the Acoustic Signa­ture web­site. The regis­tra­tion has to occur no later than one month after the date of pur­chase. The regis­tra­tion pro­cess is only avai­lable on this website.

product registration…