

Passion and love for finest details make it possible

to create something truly great.

Gunther Frohnhoefer (CEO Acoustic Signature)

New: Verona NEO

The Verona NEO is Acoustic Signa­ture’s new turn­table with a classic retro design, housing state of the art techno­logy that ambi­tious music lovers are looking for – up to two 9 to 12-inch tone­arms, 2-motor drive concept, DTD®-bearing, exter­nal DMC-20 motor elec­tro­nics with AVC Level 3, CLD design, a 50 mm thick platter with 8 Silencers…

Find out more…

Acoustic Signature Verona NEO
Arrival of the new milling machine to the Acoustic Signature mnaufactory

News from the factory

The Acoustic Signa­ture team is excited – the new five axis preci­sion milling machine has arri­ved! With 22 tons of weight this was quite a chal­lenge: Two 40 ton trucks were neces­sary for the machine’s deli­very.

The dimen­sions were so huge, that we had to install a new gate to the factorys loading dock first in order to get this 3.9 meter high state of the art produc­tion tool into the manu­factu­ring premises…

more on the factory…

New product awards…

Maximus NEO
Gruvy Award
best tested gear 2023
by AnalogPlanet

Analog Planet Guvy Award

Invictus NEO &
TA-9000 NEO
Product of the Year 2023
by The Absolute Sound

Product of the Year 2023 award by The Absolute Sound

5 turn­tables,
2 tone­arms
Editors Choice 2023
by The Absolute Sound

the absolute sound Editor’s Choice Award 2023

Hurricane NEO
award of the year 2024
by hifi i muzyka

hifi i muzyka award of the year 2024 for the Maximus NEO

New Video: Tornado NEO

Watch the Tornado NEO in action: Our new YouTube video clip intro­­duces you to the features and the construc­tion of this turn­table…

Visit the YouTube channel…

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New reviews & tests…

Montana NEO in Michael Fremer’s YouTube video

Michael Fremer on the Montana NEO

Michael Fremer comments and talks on the Montana NEO in this video, introducing his listening room. The video by the absolute sound is featured on YouTube…

the absolute sound
by Michael Fremer

watch on YouTube…

Acoustic Signature NEO:
A new future in sound

For almost a quarter of a century, Acoustic Signa­ture has been dedi­cated to vinyl play­back – with one goal: to build the best turn­tables in the world! We want to set stan­dards in terms of manu­factu­ring quality, techno­logies and relia­bility. Our turn­tables should become true design icons and create sound pain­tings of extra­ordi­nary beauty that touch the soul.

Acoustic Signature Ascona NEO turntable
Ascona NEO

On the way to our goal we have inspired many analog lovers all over the world. Inter­natio­nal high-end journa­lists have showered us with awards and prizes. With sound-signi­ficant tech­nical achieve­ments, which were reco­gnized as inno­va­tions every­where, we left a lasting mark on the analog audio land­scape. Our Silencer as well as our CLD techno­logy (Constraint Layer Damping) reduced turn­table and chassis reso­nan­ces to a previously unknown extent, our main­te­nance-free Tidorfolon® bearing was charac­terized by a noise- and friction-free pre­cision that was close to perfec­tion. We were among the first to rely on over­sized, super-stable power supplies and all-digital motor con­trol­lers. But Jona­than Valin’s medial accolade – ‘…the Acoustic Signa­ture Iinvictus stands at the top.’ (The Absolute Sound 08/2016) – spurred us on: resting on our laurels is out of the question.
The founda­tion stone for the NEO series was laid!

While the renow­ned indus­trial designer Burk­hard Schlee (Schlee Design) was ‘getting to the heart’ of the look of our turn­tables, we put all cons­truc­tive and mate­rial details to the test – even our own core techno­logies. A team of profes­sional musi­cians and sound engi­neers evalu­ated the sonic aspect of all new develop­ments. This allowed us to find out if we were on the right track.

If a new techno­logy could not con­vince all ears, it was revi­sed or comple­tely discar­ded. The plan­ning on the dra­wing board, CAD designs, lab experi­ments, assembly work and finally liste­ning toge­ther resul­ted in new axis and bearing mate­rials for our tone­arms, optimized CLD alloys for our chassis, even better power supplies, control­lers and ground­brea­king inno­vations: our highly effective AVC (Anti Vibra­tion Control) techno­logy and the ultra-precise Dura Turn® Diamond Bearing (DTD®).

Acoustic Signature TA-9000 tonearm in silver
TA-9000 NEO

The develop­ment of the NEO series was time-consu­ming and costly but it also brought us to the next level – an enjoy­ment of sound now fully reflec­ted in the design of our new turn­tables and tone­arms Indeed, we are proud to annou­nce the Acoustic Signa­ture NEO series as a redefi­nition of future sound – a future that doesn’t just take you close, but pulls you right into the center of music.



These ten turntables of the new Acoustic Signature NEO Series are the future of an extra­ordinary sounding record playback!

browse all models…


These ten turntables of the new Acoustic Signature NEO Series are the future of an extra­ordinary sounding record playback!

browse all models…



Our four excellent moving-coil cartridges are the optimal playback companions for our NEO turntables and tonearms…

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Our four excellent moving-coil cartridges are the optimal playback companions for our NEO turntables and tonearms…

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The new NEO series offers you a choice of seven over­whel­ming state-of-the-art high-end tonearms…



The new NEO series offers you a choice of seven over­whel­ming state-of-the-art high-end tonearms…




Exclusive accessories ranging from Phono-Preamplifiers or turntable racks to record clamps onwards to belts and practical little helpers for the analogue audio enthusiast…

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Exclusive accessories ranging from Phono-Preamplifiers or turntable racks to record clamps onwards to belts and practical little helpers for the analogue audio enthusiast…

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Acoustic Signature

Turntable manufacturing at Acoustic Signature

Acoustic Signa­ture stands for highly audio­phile analog repro­duction – high-end pro­ducts ‘Made in Germany’! All turn­tables, tone­arms, cart­ridges and acces­sories are 100 % hand­made at the com­pany head­quar­ters in Suessen near Stuttgart.

Our produc­tion is based on state-of-the-art CNC tech­no­logy and CAD/CAM systems – using only the highest quality mate­rials. The develop­ment of our own tech­no­logies enjoys the highest priority. Abso­lu­tely cutting-edge techno­logies, a clear design lan­guage and an out­stan­ding price-per­for­mance ratio have esta­blished Acoustic Signa­ture’s repu­tation as an inno­vation leader world­wide among spe­cia­list media and vinyl lovers alike.

Acoustic Signature AVC - Automatic Vibration Control

Acoustic Signature CLD - Constraint Layer Damping

Acoustic Signature DTD - Dura Turn Diamond Bearing

Passion, care and atten­tion to detail are of great impor­tance to Acoustic Signa­ture. Each product is indivi­dually manu­fac­tured and tested. Our high level of quality is also expres­sed in the Acoustic Signa­ture warranty: We provide a five-year warranty on tone­arms and a 15-year warranty on turn­tables (upon regis­tration and valid for pro­ducts with pro­duc­tion date after October 2020)!

Handmade in Germany

5 year warranty

15 year warranty

Gunther Frohn­hoefer is con­vin­ced: »We are abso­lutely focusing on ‘Made in Germany’. The general trend is towards the chea­pest supplier. This is not for us. We obtain all raw mate­rials and compo­nents that we do not manu­fac­ture our­sel­ves from spe­cia­list compa­nies in the region. We only chose the best suppliers! For our demand for perfec­tion and our quality require­ments this has always been impor­tant and will become even more signi­fi­cant in the future.«

CNC production of parts
Hand assembly of a silencer platter

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Acoustic Signature Technologies


The Acoustic Signature Silencer-Platter with our CLD-Techno­logy (Cons­traint Layer Damping) has unrivaled fine damping and resonance absorbing qualities. The new highly precise and extremely sturdy as well as tranquil DTD®-Bearing (Duraturn Diamond® Bearing) is an analogue masterpiece, offering the best condition for an absolute high-end sound without any need for maintenance. The AVC technology (Automatic Vibration Control) reduces the vibration level even further and is able to measure and eliminate distortions in real-time.


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