


Acoustic Signature is gran­ting an exten­ded warranty of

  • 15 years for turn­tables and
  • 5 years for tone­arms

exclusi­vely to regis­tered products manu­fac­tured from October 2020. By intro­ducing the exten­ded warranty, our custo­mers will bene­fit from the cons­tantly opti­mized quality control process.

15 years warranty

5 years warranty

Please register your qualified Acoustic Signa­ture product online within one month of the original date of purchase using the regis­tration form on our website.

warranty guidelines…

Product registration

You must register your new Acoustic Signature turntable or tonearm in order to benefit from the optional extended warranty. Please use the registration form on our website.

A registration is only aplicable for turntables and tonearms with a production date since October 2020. The extended warranty is only valid for the first purchaser. Any registered product must be purchased directly via Acoustic Signature or one of our officially authorized distributors or dealers.

The registration has to occur no later than one month after the date of purchase. Please note: It is not possible to register your extended warranty without a receipt or a proof of purchase.

register now…


You own an Acoustic Signature product and are interes­ted in an upgrade? There is a long list of possi­ble options – a new or an addi­tional tone­arm and cartridge, arm­board exten­sions as well as silen­cer modu­les in a diffe­rent finish are some of them. Almost any­thing is possi­ble, even for older dis­con­ti­nued pro­ducts in most cases. Please contact us or your autho­rized inter­na­tio­nal distri­butor and let us know your wishes. We will be happy to help your dreams come true!

contact form…

Upgrade of Acoustic Signature products

care and maintenance of Acoustic Signature products

Care & maintenance recommendations

A proper and regular main­te­na­nce and care keeps the longevity of your Acoustic Signa­ture product.

We do suggest carful clea­ning of all alu­mi­nium sur­faces with glass cleaner.

Do not use any harsh cleaners/deter­gents since they might harm the surface finish!

Repair service

If your Acoustic Signature product needs a repair, our outstanding repair service is happy to help! Please get in touch with us via the following service page:

repair service…

Acoustic Signature repair service
Acoustic Signature spare parts

Spare parts

The longevity of our products is an important quality feature for Acoustic Signature. Therefore any part of any product manufactured in the past is available as a spare part. You may request these original high quality parts by our spare parts service here:

spare part request…

Customer reviews

Thanks a lot for the fast support! You great customer service really impresses me.
D. D. (Germany) on a repair

Thanks again for the great service on modi­fying my turn­table. Every­thing worked perfect and the result is really great. It is a huge benefit accor­ding to the depth and on moments of silence without a signal. It does now fit all of my acous­tic needs. So thanks again for every­thing!!
H. G. (Germany) on the service / modification of his Samba


Down­loads (instruc­tion manuals, brochures, data sheets) are located in our download archive:

show downloads…

All product down­loads are as well avai­lable on each product page for easier accesse­bility.

product overview…

Inter­natio­nal distri­butors

All autho­rized inter­natio­nal Acoustic Signa­ture distri­butors are listed in our distri­butor section

list of distributors…

Test reports & reviews

Any new as well as historic test reports and reviews are archi­ved at our test report section. The reports on a specific product are as well shown on each product page for your con­vi­nience.

show all tests…